A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

Not quite the original song lyric but scammers appear to have targeted customers of London’s Ritz Hotel by contacting customers and asking to double check payment details. The BBC article can be found here – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-53793922 A worrying detail here is that the scammers had an amount of information to hand to make the approach,…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Be Smart & Not Scared by these Scams!

Changing situations present new opportunities for the dishonest minority and scams, whether by email or telephone, are no exception and are constantly being adapted to spoof the unsuspecting. Many of us will have received emails advising that we are in line for a small fortune of overseas wealth……subject to confirming our banking details or covering…