Email Archiving vs. Email Backup: What’s the Difference?

Email Archiving vs. Email Backup: What’s the Difference?

Our emails contain a treasure trove of valuable information – from important work documents to cherished memories in personal correspondences. It’s crucial to safeguard this data, but are you aware of the differences between email archiving and email backup? These two services serve distinct purposes, and understanding their unique features can help you make the…

Microsoft isn’t Responsible for your Business Data – You Are

Microsoft isn’t Responsible for your Business Data – You Are

With Microsoft 365 growing in popularity, this short brief explains the importance of backing-up its data and how you can minimise disruption risk to your business. The Importance of Backing-Up Microsoft 365 Like any other data storage repository, Microsoft 365 can be vulnerable to data loss or corruption and is not automatically protected.  Back-up is…

April 2023 – prices set to rise across the board

April 2023 – prices set to rise across the board

Technology has seen prices fluctuate significantly over the last three years. As the world rushed to work from home we saw hardware shortages combine with the wider silicon chip shortage leaving costs rising. 2022 saw Microsoft introduce their first significant price changes in their subscription model in a number of years and they are set…

Looking for ‘Mr Right’…from the Start? Tips on Finding the Perfect IT Support Partner

Looking for ‘Mr Right’…from the Start? Tips on Finding the Perfect IT Support Partner

With Valentine’s Day looming, cards & hearts appearing in all the shops and Lindor introducing their valentine’s chocolate box (yum!), we’re jumping on the band-waggon and turning our attention to helping you find the perfect <IT Support> Partner! Are you looking for a team with a GSOH? Or perhaps a Partner who is DTE (down…

The Most Common Passwords in the World: What to do if yours is on the list

The Most Common Passwords in the World: What to do if yours is on the list

Do you use any of these extremely popular – and eminently hackable – passwords? If so, Philip Muncaster from our security partner, ESET, has a New Year’s resolution for you! Security experts have been predicting the death of the password for well over a decade. But it’s still the main way we log-in to our online accounts…

Become Cyber Secure with Cyber Essentials

Become Cyber Secure with Cyber Essentials

We are delighted to have recently completed our Cyber Essentials Accreditation and are now helping several customers achieve theirs too. This is a government-backed scheme that will help protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks. With Cyber hackers becoming more intelligent and adapting to many counter-hacking measures,…

5 Ways to Stop Cyber-Attacks in their Tracks

5 Ways to Stop Cyber-Attacks in their Tracks

How secure are your systems and data? Are your systems regularly monitored for cyber-attacks? Can you be sure any security breaches are stopped in their tracks immediately? Dealing with advanced threats is the most significant concern for cybersecurity professionals and organisations these days. With system downtime, disruption of business operations and reduced productivity costing businesses…

How to Create Complex and Unique Passwords you won’t forget?

How to Create Complex and Unique Passwords you won’t forget?

The first rule of passwords is, “We do not use the same password everywhere.”The second rule of passwords is “WE DO NOT USE the same password everywhere!” There have been plenty of well-publicised losses of data by various organisations where user names, email addresses and passwords have been obtained. You may have never actually purchased…

How to check if your PC has been hacked, and what to do next

How to check if your PC has been hacked, and what to do next

Are you concerned that your PC has been hacked? Whatever happens, don’t panic! Here Philip Muncaster from our security partner, ESET, explains ten signs that show your PC has been hacked and gives you handy tips on how to fix it. Global cybercriminals make trillions of dollars each year. Much of their success comes from exploiting the…

Defending the Data Centre: The time to act is now

Defending the Data Centre: The time to act is now

As the war in Ukraine sadly continues, so does the potential for further escalation in kinetic hostilities. At the same time, the odds that the conflict may lead to major cyberattacks against targets beyond Ukraine’s borders seem to shorten. This has put the world on heightened alert, and one critical component of today’s digital-centric world…

5 ways hackers steal your password – & how to stop them!

5 ways hackers steal your password – & how to stop them!

The concept of the password has been around for centuries and one reason for the enduring popularity of passwords is that people know instinctively how they work. But there’s also a problem, as Phil Muncaster from our Security Partner, ESET, goes on to explain. Passwords are the Achilles’ heel of the digital lives of many…

Is the Future Passwordless?

Is the Future Passwordless?

Passwords definitely have their disadvantages so could passwordless authentication be the answer? As Microsoft further nudges the world away from passwords, Phil Muncaster from ESET explains what your organisation should consider before going password-free. For such a clumsy sounding word, “passwordless” actually promises to make life a lot easier – for both users and security teams….

Beware of these 5 common scams on Instagram

Beware of these 5 common scams on Instagram

From phishing and clones, to romance and verification badge scams, Amer Owaida at our Security Partner, ESET, explains the most common tactics fraudsters use to trick us on Instagram. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. Indeed, with over one billion monthly active users it is among the top four most popular social media networks in…

Beware of Black Friday Scams

Beware of Black Friday Scams

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday fast approaching, consumers are being warned to be vigilant when shopping in this week’s sales, with a rise in scams expected to cost shoppers millions. Police said crime over the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period last year defrauded online shoppers in Britain of £2.5m. Many never received goods they ordered from…

A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

Not quite the original song lyric but scammers appear to have targeted customers of London’s Ritz Hotel by contacting customers and asking to double check payment details. The BBC article can be found here – A worrying detail here is that the scammers had an amount of information to hand to make the approach,…

Protect your Business against Ransomware

Protect your Business against Ransomware

With Ransomware increasingly in the news, it is worth remembering the current advice on how best to protect our businesses against Ransomware and ensure these security procedures are in place and fully supported company-wide. 1. Run Software Updates Are you ever tempted to skip software updates as they take up valuable time and perhaps seem…

Seasonal Switch-Off for Digital Detox & Downtime

Seasonal Switch-Off for Digital Detox & Downtime

In today’s society, we all seem so busy, juggling the many hats we wear, often over-committing and feeling under significant time pressure. Technology, specifically social media, can sometimes be the cause of this. Seeing the happy faces of friends and family enjoying festivities can lead to a feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), whilst…

Christmas Shopping – Compassion, Cookies & Scams!

Christmas Shopping – Compassion, Cookies & Scams!

With less than a month to go now until Christmas Day and Black Friday on the horizon, here are a few things to consider when carrying out your Christmas shopping online! Compassionate Christmas Shopping Did you know that there are sites which give a percentage of your spend as a charitable donation every time you…

Be Smart & Not Scared by these Scams!

Be Smart & Not Scared by these Scams!

Changing situations present new opportunities for the dishonest minority and scams, whether by email or telephone, are no exception and are constantly being adapted to spoof the unsuspecting. Many of us will have received emails advising that we are in line for a small fortune of overseas wealth……subject to confirming our banking details or covering…

5 Key Considerations for Effective Communication in the Workplace

5 Key Considerations for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Communication is key to a successful business these days but just what is key to successful communication? With information being exchanged through a variety of communication channels both internally and externally, an organised set up and system for each chosen communication channel will help your company run efficiently, boost productivity and reduce stress. Companies and…

Remote working?…’snow problem’

Remote working?…’snow problem’

A quick look out through the window this morning confirmed the overnight arrival of the forecast snow.  In previous years the first arrival of snow has brought with it a number of calls from users requiring remote access to the network, emails configured on external devices, telephone numbers redirected and voicemail greetings amended. For many…

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words – 3 Easy Ways to Snap a Screenshot

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words – 3 Easy Ways to Snap a Screenshot

“The screen says, something, something, error, random numbers” “OK, I’m going to need to see a copy of that error, could you send me a screenshot please?” “I don’t know how, please help!” This is a situation we often come across. Passing along screenshots is simple enough but if you don’t know how to then…

Christmas Compassion, Cookies & Seasonal Shopping Scams

Christmas Compassion, Cookies & Seasonal Shopping Scams

With twinkly lights going up, shops stocking up on mince pies and the first of the mulled wine being sampled, it’s beginning to feel a little like Christmas..! And no doubt lots of you are much more organised than us and have even actually started Christmas shopping already! Well, for those of you turning your thoughts to…

Behind-the-Scenes Support Gives you Peace of Mind

Behind-the-Scenes Support Gives you Peace of Mind

We are here to support you with any ad hoc IT issues whenever you need us – on the phone or on-site. We also provide behind-the-scenes support in order to ensure all IT systems are running smoothly and resolve any issues as they occur. In early 2017 we took on a new client who was unhappy with both the reliability of their network and…

Backup and beyond – the business continuity you always wanted but couldn’t afford

Backup and beyond – the business continuity you always wanted but couldn’t afford

I’m not quite old enough to have worked with spools of half inch tape but magnetic tape was certainly the go-to medium for data backup on the first networks I managed. Backup solutions have changed considerably over the years – where we once talked about data backups we now talk about disaster recovery and business…

Smile, you’re on Camera!

Smile, you’re on Camera!

CCTV systems have been available for a long time whether providing monitoring, safety or security. In keeping with other areas of technology (telephony, audio-visual, etc.) selecting camera solutions which integrate with the network broadens the functionality with multiple points of access on site or remotely, email notification of activity, etc. VCI is able to help…

The Value of both the Team and the Individual

The Value of both the Team and the Individual

We recently saw the retirement of opening batsman and former England Cricket Captain Alastair Cook who bowed out in the best possible way with a determined and pivotal personal contribution to the team’s success. In a fairy tale, victorious finish which included a century in his final innings, the last test match of the English summer…

Computer-Aided Learning in the Classroom

Computer-Aided Learning in the Classroom

With the start of school for the autumn term and my children now tackling the challenges of year 2 and foundation, I’m continuously learning how computers are changing the educational experience within the classroom. It was recently announced in the weekly electronic newsletter – incidentally delivered via the ParentMail app on our phones – that…

Encryption: How to wish your data a safe journey

Encryption: How to wish your data a safe journey

One of my defining memories of childhood holidays is the Tetris-like exercise of squeezing everything into the small family car (suitcases, rucksacks, travel games, sleeping bags, etc.) closely followed by the last minute checks. Are the passports packed, is the road atlas to hand (no sat-nav back then), last check of fuel, coolant, oil and…

Right from the Start – Benefiting from Experience

Right from the Start – Benefiting from Experience

The trouble with learning from experience is that the lesson is delivered just after the knowledge is required. This, of course, is one of the reasons we turn to others to benefit from the broader, collective experiences whether that be friends and colleagues or suppliers and consultants to a business. It is far from unusual…

Don’t be spooked by GDPR – Be Aware & Prepare for changes in Data Protection Regulations

Don’t be spooked by GDPR – Be Aware & Prepare for changes in Data Protection Regulations

With the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into force on 25th May 2018, we take a look at the initial strides you can take in ensuring your data and IT systems will be fully compliant. The changes in regulations may seem a little daunting but hopefully, as with everything, breaking them down into more…

At Home with Technology – How Alexa, IFTTT & Harmony Hub can work for you!

At Home with Technology – How Alexa, IFTTT & Harmony Hub can work for you!

It is just over a year since Amazon introduced Alexa to our lives. She wasn’t the first digital assistant to enter the home but thanks to Amazon’s heavy marketing and low prices she is arguably the most prolific. Homes up and down the country can be heard asking Alexa for jokes or simple reminders but…