Original Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Recycle Unwanted IT Equipment

Hoping the latest tech may be waiting under the tree for you this Christmas? When the time comes, be sure to recycle any unwanted IT equipment in line with data deletion guidelines & existing laws on disposal of electrical goods.

According to Health & Safety Executive (HSE), Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is a rapidly growing sub-sector of the recycling industry, due largely to the implementation of the original WEEE Directive in the UK by the WEEE Regulations 2006. With that came the associated requirements for the recovery, reuse, recycling and treatment of WEEE.

The HSE states that every year an estimated 2 million tonnes of WEEE items are discarded by householders and companies in the UK. WEEE includes most products that have a plug or need a battery and, of course, includes IT and telecommunications equipment, eg personal computers, copying equipment, telephones and pocket calculators.

Such items contain a wide variety of materials, including glass, plastics, ceramics and precious metals. As a result of this complex mix of product types and materials, some of which are hazardous (including arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury and certain flame retardants), WEEE recycling poses a number of health risks that need to be adequately managed.

For your own safety, security and peace of mind, it is important that you ensure any unwanted IT and telecommunications equipment is data wiped and destroyed in a safe and environmentally conscious way.

At VCI Systems, we regularly help our customers dispose of their IT equipment in this way. We use a reputable WEEE disposal company, track the data wipe and recycling process, receive a Certificate of Data Destruction and can ensure all equipment is recycled fully so no elements end up in landfill.

We would be delighted to help you recycle your unwanted IT equipment too – just give us a call on 0118 9767111.

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