Festive greetings from VCI

As we close in on the end of 2016 we can once again look forward to the Christmas break, perhaps more time with family and friends and, to the best of our abilities, away from the routine of our working lives. We can also take the chance to count our blessings and consider the challenges faced by others.

During the summer my younger boy broke his arm and, however awful we found the experience and however brave he proved himself to be, one doesn’t need to spend long in and around the children’s ward in a hospital to start feeling very fortunate in the big scheme of things.

With this in mind VCI has, once again, chosen to support Sebastian’s Action Trust this year (and yes, that did include the Santa run around Virginia Water but I’ll spare you the photos this year). You can find out more about the excellent work they do supporting families of seriously ill children at
and, if you feel suitably moved, can donate at

Our thanks to you all for your patience and custom through the year. Do have a very merry and restful Christmas break.

Please not that we close from 14:00 on Friday 23rd December and reopen normal hours Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

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