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Planning for Remote Working during Self-Isolation

With Coronavirus seemingly getting ever closer and the prospect of self-isolation becoming ever more real, here we offer you some handy tips to help you prepare for the possibility of working from home if you’re not already set up to do so.

One positive thing to note in all this is that, with ever-advancing technology, it’s now even easier for you to take calls, share documents and communicate with team members wherever you all may be – geography does not need to be a barrier.

1. Necessary Hardware & Software

You and your team members may already have laptops available to work from but, if not, it is worth investing in some for the office so they can be used wherever and whenever needs be.

Laptops can be set up for individuals or a pool of employees so that all necessary software, networks and systems can be accessed and they are well-protected from malware. This may be via a secure VPN link straight to the office network and data, taking control of the office PC, or another shared platform which provides suitable access.

With employees often needing to access and amend the same documents, an optimal filing system is key to ensure changes don’t get lost in communication.

Where a period of home-working is set to be fairly extensive, it is worth considering the need for extra hardware, such as printers, keyboards, mice and screens.

2. Reliable Home Internet Provider

A reliable internet provider is an absolute must for effective home-working.

Whether you’re downloading documents, holding a meeting over Skype or attending a webinar, a slow internet speed can be both frustrating and unproductive.

We have helped several customers who have laboured over slow internet speeds and would be happy to investigate the causes of slow speeds experienced, optimising and improving the connection where possible or offering alternatives if more suitable.

3. Make the most of VoIP technology

The hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system we recommend and install takes your phone system onto the Cloud and allows for seamless remote working whereby all members of staff can still be part of the office phone system no matter where they’re based.

Options include a full VoIP phone handset, software on a PC or laptop, or an app on a mobile device. This, coupled with appropriate access to the company data, enables each member of staff to function as if sat at his or her office desk.

If you have any queries about any of the above or would like us to help you start planning ahead to ensure business continuity during this coronavirus outbreak, do not hesitate to give us a call on 0118 9767111.

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