Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Making the Most of Technology on the Move

‘Nomad workers’, ‘virtual workers’, ‘e-workers’…whatever the term we’re using, remote working is on the rise as technology allows us to become less restricted to working in our offices.

Work is flexible and we can take it wherever we like. We can work in the coffee shop next door or the other side of the country, on a train or even on holiday – yes, I’m sure lots of us are guilty of that!

But working on the road is not always as glamorous as it sounds and can sometimes be full of pitfalls if you don’t prepare properly. So here are some IT tips to help you plan ahead.

1. Make sure your laptop is in sync

Many people will work on two computers – a PC for the office and a laptop for everywhere else.

Keeping them in sync is not always easy but, before you head out on the road, it’s essential to make sure you have access to all the files and programmes you will need. It may be an idea to sync all your bookmarks as well.

There are handy file storage apps, such as DropBox and Google Docs, which allow you to store and access information through the Cloud and also, if you’re blogging, you will find suitable apps that will enable you to save local drafts until you’re in range of some Wi-Fi.

Unless you have access to the necessary files, that missing information could mean the difference between success and failure.

2. Check your insurance

Not all policies cover your laptop and mobile devices, and even fewer cover your data which leads us into…

3. Protect your device against cyber attacks

Make sure all of your devices are protected by a rigorous anti-malware and security solution and ensure that it’s updated as regularly as possible.

If in doubt, we can help advise on the best insurance policies out there to protect your gadgets.

4. Encrypt your data

Any device which travels beyond the four walls of the secure office and network which contains sensitive data (or has the means of accessing sensitive data) should be encrypted.

Without encryption, accessing the data contained on a USB stick or drive is a simple exercise in plug-and-play. Accessing the data on a lost (or stolen) laptop is comparatively straight forward and resetting passwords on a Windows device requires just a little knowledge and some specific tools to gain full access without even removing the drive.

If a lost device contained sensitive company information, a route into the network, a list of passwords, etc. the potential damage to a company or individual reaches far beyond the concerns of data protection.

5. Plan for having no Internet connection

We’re all used to having offices these days with fast broadband connections. This can’t be guaranteed everywhere, especially when travelling outside major cities. Not every coffee shop will provide for your needs so do plan ahead.

6. Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi

Data sent through public Wi-Fi can easily be intercepted. If your device or computer is not protected by an effective security and anti-malware product, you could be risking the security of your personal information, digital identity and money.

Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi and, if you do need to access any websites that store or require the input of any sensitive information, including social media, online shopping and online banking sites, it’s a good idea to access them via your mobile phone network, instead of the public Wi-Fi connection.

7. Have a backup solution

Your journey will give you plenty of opportunities to have a disaster, whether it be spilling your coffee over your keyboard, a disk crash or theft.

It is advisable to back up every piece of essential data. This could simply be an encrypted USB stick or an appropriate online service.

8. Secure your laptops & devices

Of course, when travelling, your laptop and mobile devices are at higher risk of being misplaced or stolen.

You’re no doubt incredibly vigilant about keeping them safe and locked away when not in use but did you know that, if they are left in a vehicle and remain powered on, then the Bluetooth connection can be discoverable which becomes an indicator to thieves?

So, wherever possible, it’s good advice to always keep laptops and devices that are left in vehicles out of sight (obviously!) AND powered off.

9. Ensure you have enough power

Talking of power, many train services and even aircraft have mains power supply points these days, but it’s a good idea to fully charge your batteries before travelling, just in case. Oh, and don’t forget your phone charger – or any necessary adapters!

10. Make the most of VoIP technology

VoIP technology very cleverly allows you to still be part of the office phone system even when you’re out on the road. With options such as an app on your mobile device, it’s as though you’re making and taking calls from the office even when you’re in Outer Mongolia!

So…Bon Voyage…and do give us a call on 0118 976 7111 if we can help with your travel preparations at all..!

But we’d rather not help with your packing, thanks all the same..! ?

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