Image: Detox by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Seasonal Switch-Off for Digital Detox & Downtime

In today’s society, we all seem so busy, juggling the many hats we wear, often over-committing and feeling under significant time pressure.

Technology, specifically social media, can sometimes be the cause of this. Seeing the happy faces of friends and family enjoying festivities can lead to a feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), whilst the numerous events that we are encouraged to attend – due to a previously implied interest in Christmas Carols, Christmas fairs or the latest Christmas theatrical production – could have us busy 24-7 for the next month or so!

With 78,000 conversations surrounding social media wellness so far in 2019 and the National Day of Unplugging gaining 3,300 mentions this year (according to talkwalker, Dec 2019), the awareness of the impact of social media on our mental health is definitely increasing.

Social media addiction is now a recognized affliction and people are being encouraged to take individual actions to decrease their online hours and learn how to manage their time on social media more effectively.

During this festive period, when we could all be spending a lot of time and money finding the perfect gift for someone, it’s worth reminding each other that actually the most precious gift we can give both ourselves and our loved ones is time itself.

Whether it’s time baking some delicious mince pies, going for a well wrapped-up blustery walk in the wintry sunshine or playing scrabble, monopoly or charades together, we encourage you to switch off social media this season, consider a digital detox and enjoy spending undivided quality time with the people you love.

We have every belief that this digital down-time will allow you space to relax and unwind, give you a sense of having created the ultimate gift – extra hours in the day! – and you will therefore enjoy a healthier & happier Christmas and New Year!

Best of luck and do let us know how you get on! Best wishes from us all!

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