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Behind-the-Scenes Support Gives you Peace of Mind

We are here to support you with any ad hoc IT issues whenever you need us – on the phone or on-site. We also provide behind-the-scenes support in order to ensure all IT systems are running smoothly and resolve any issues as they occur.

In early 2017 we took on a new client who was unhappy with both the reliability of their network and the quality of support from the incumbent IT provider.

One of the first major tasks we undertook was a migration away from their in-house mail server to a hosted solution which provided greater independence across their various office locations. We also addressed the absence of a working backup solution – in advance of it being an issue.

Our backup appliance means we now have the ability to recover several months of data as well as run up a virtualised instance of their mission-critical server in the event of a significant disruption (including fire or theft) at the main office. In short, we have them running more efficiently and with a much improved business continuity solution.

I needed to attend site recently to help move some hardware around the office and, along with the friendly greeting we always receive, I was welcomed with, “We haven’t seen you for a while.” There is a simple reason for this – now we are managing the network for the client, it is far more stable and appropriate for their requirements.  The kind of IT issues which had once disrupted their operation on a regular basis have all been removed through the regular network checks we carry out.

Of course there are always going to be occasional issues which crop up – a hardware failure here, an errant mouse click there – but, with the correct tools in place and our work behind the scenes monitoring their systems, things have improved considerably.

If you are having regular troubles with your network or are concerned that you are just ‘getting by’, give us a call and let us come and assist with a free audit of your network setup.

We can help you understand how the various network functions coexist, and identify any areas of potential vulnerability. Often, the pre-emptive approach to network management is the route that provides the smoothest path to reliable operation.

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