Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

5 ways hackers steal your password – & how to stop them!

The concept of the password has been around for centuries and one reason for the enduring popularity of passwords is that people know instinctively how they work. But there’s also a problem, as Phil Muncaster from our Security Partner, ESET, goes on to explain. Passwords are the Achilles’ heel of the digital lives of many…

“May contain nuts!”…….. Passwords 101 – part 3

“May contain nuts!”…….. Passwords 101 – part 3

If we’ve travelled the “Password 101” journey together this far then we are hopefully in agreement that network passwords are a good thing, and you have some ideas regarding how to create them. Now we need to consider how we manage and maintain all those other passwords required by the various devices we use, the…

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

“May contain nuts!”…….. Passwords 101 – part 2

In our previous visit to passwords (Password 101 – Part 1) we looked at the need for the password in the office environment. This article delves a little deeper and focuses on network password generation. There is a popular saying that your password should be like your toothbrush, “Change it every three months and don’t…

“May contain nuts!”…….. Passwords 101 – part 1

“May contain nuts!”…….. Passwords 101 – part 1

Ah, the password…invaluable security tool, necessary evil, or simply the reason to have to call IT support before even starting the working day? The concept of a tool to help identify the individual is not new – we have placed our mark or signed documents for many a century – but the prevalence of passwords…