Become Cyber Secure with Cyber Essentials

Become Cyber Secure with Cyber Essentials

We are delighted to have recently completed our Cyber Essentials Accreditation and are now helping several customers achieve theirs too. This is a government-backed scheme that will help protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks. With Cyber hackers becoming more intelligent and adapting to many counter-hacking measures,…

Photo by Michael Geiger on Unsplash

5 Ways to Stop Cyber-Attacks in their Tracks

How secure are your systems and data? Are your systems regularly monitored for cyber-attacks? Can you be sure any security breaches are stopped in their tracks immediately? Dealing with advanced threats is the most significant concern for cybersecurity professionals and organisations these days. With system downtime, disruption of business operations and reduced productivity costing businesses…

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Defending the Data Centre: The time to act is now

As the war in Ukraine sadly continues, so does the potential for further escalation in kinetic hostilities. At the same time, the odds that the conflict may lead to major cyberattacks against targets beyond Ukraine’s borders seem to shorten. This has put the world on heightened alert, and one critical component of today’s digital-centric world…

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

5 ways hackers steal your password – & how to stop them!

The concept of the password has been around for centuries and one reason for the enduring popularity of passwords is that people know instinctively how they work. But there’s also a problem, as Phil Muncaster from our Security Partner, ESET, goes on to explain. Passwords are the Achilles’ heel of the digital lives of many…

Is the Future Passwordless?

Is the Future Passwordless?

Passwords definitely have their disadvantages so could passwordless authentication be the answer? As Microsoft further nudges the world away from passwords, Phil Muncaster from ESET explains what your organisation should consider before going password-free. For such a clumsy sounding word, “passwordless” actually promises to make life a lot easier – for both users and security teams….