Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

5 ways hackers steal your password – & how to stop them!

The concept of the password has been around for centuries and one reason for the enduring popularity of passwords is that people know instinctively how they work. But there’s also a problem, as Phil Muncaster from our Security Partner, ESET, goes on to explain. Passwords are the Achilles’ heel of the digital lives of many…

Beware of these 5 common scams on Instagram

Beware of these 5 common scams on Instagram

From phishing and clones, to romance and verification badge scams, Amer Owaida at our Security Partner, ESET, explains the most common tactics fraudsters use to trick us on Instagram. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. Indeed, with over one billion monthly active users it is among the top four most popular social media networks in…

A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

A scammer sits, posing as the Ritz

Not quite the original song lyric but scammers appear to have targeted customers of London’s Ritz Hotel by contacting customers and asking to double check payment details. The BBC article can be found here – A worrying detail here is that the scammers had an amount of information to hand to make the approach,…