Another spoof email……

If you have read previous posts on our news section here you will be both familiar and wise to spoof emails but here is another quick reminder.

A quick glance at the purported sender and hovering over the link to see the destination provides all the confirmation you need to make your next mouse click the “delete” option.

On a point of note, this particular example has gone to the trouble of ensuring that all the links at the bottom of the email point to genuine Apple pages but that shouldn’t be enough to fool anyone.

Approach emails and, particularly, links with a sceptical eye even when the content appears to coincide with other events such as, for our example here, the arrival of a new phone.

It should only take a couple of extra seconds to assess the email and, if in doubt, only a few seconds more to open the browser and enter the address manually to log on to the relevant account (here your Apple account) rather than trusting the email link.

If you have suspicions regarding any correspondence and are unsure of the best course of action, you are always very welcome to contact our support team on 0118 976 7111. Better to take a couple of minutes checking compared with possibly hours of downtime resolving a problem.

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